Thursday, 31 October 2024

Manor House • Waxham

The hall is reputedly haunted by six members of the Brograve familiy, all of whom died in battle. Sir Ralph was killed in the Crusades, Sir Edmund in the Barons' War, Sir John at Agincourt, Sir Francis in the Wars of the Roses, Sir Thomas in the Civil War and Sir Charles at Ramillies. It is said that a during the late 18th century the then owner, Sir Berney, invited them all to dinner and drank with them until midnight at which point they vanished. Sir Berney, however, is also reputed to have sold his soul to the Devil... 

The Hall was originally built in 1114 at which point it stood miles from the sea. If you google maps Waxham today you can see why coastal erosion is a longstanding and unfortunate problem! 

This photo was taken from within the 14th Century Waxham church, also under threat from the encroaching sea. The house is privately owned and not open to the public. 

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